

Created by Onyx Path

Cavaliers of Mars is a swashbuckling roleplaying game and adventure setting from Rose Bailey, longtime developer of Vampire: The Requiem and other World of Darkness titles. Cavaliers draws inspiration from pulp fantasy and historical fiction, adding a modern edge and an exotic setting. Cavaliers of Mars is powered by the DEIMOS system, in which a hero’s motivations and approach to problems strongly influence her chance of success. In combat, heroes face off with their enemies in contests of tactics and chance.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

December 2017 update
over 6 years ago – Mon, Dec 04, 2017 at 07:19:47 PM

Hello fellow Cavaliers,


This morning, I launched the email blast to send a ZIP file containing mini-game rewards to all bakers who had pledged to a reward tier that included the 6 mini-games (or those who've added the 6 mini-games as an ADD-ON) .

As a reminder, the 6 mini-games included are:

  • BLAZON, cosmic superheroes in a universe of Law and Chaos, inspired by Green Lantern and new wave fantasy. (38 pages) 
  • Bright and Terrible, a game of swords and tragedy in the style of Michael Moorcock's Elric and Tanith Lee's Flat Earth. (24 pages) 
  • Die For You, the game of monsters and feels, inspired by paranormal drama in general and the web series Carmilla in particular. (16 pages) 
  • The Shadow of Golgotha, a post-apocalyptic feudal world ruled by a blood-drinking aristocracy. (32 pages) 
  • Sharded, fantasy noir where death is not the end. (19 pages) 
  • State Machine, android espionage inspired by Blade Runner and Ghost in the Shell. (17 pages)

Tons of fun gaming ahead!


From this point forward, you will likely get an update from me only at the beginning of every month, mostly to update you as to the status of all projects. And, honestly, that'll mostly be "in progress, nothing new to show yet" for the next few months. Art has been commissioned for the Cavaliers of Mars core book, and preliminary layout designs are being created. I will share artwork and any previews as I can.

The good news is that not having the physical/digital copy of the game hasn't slowed down fans from running adventures on Mars at all! Check out the kickstarter comments to read about an interesting campaign already underway!

Also, check out Onyx Path's Monday Meeting Notes posts (linked here) which will give you a weekly status report on ALL of the projects Onyx Path has on the go (you may see spoilers for my monthly updates, or see what other kickstarter campaigns are currently running - like the current one for the new edition of CHANGELING: THE LOST)

All of that said, I'll continue to monitor the comment section for this campaign and answer any questions that come up. If you have any issues or problems with your mini-game downloads or other aspects of the project, you can let me know here and we'll figure out a solution. Additionally, I'll be forwarded any important questions that are sent in via the CONTACT ME button under the Rich's creator link on the main page.

So, again, thanks for all of the support & I look forward to touching base with everyone in the new year and sharing updates as they come in.

- James

Final Notice for Kickstarter T-shirts
over 6 years ago – Mon, Nov 27, 2017 at 06:28:48 PM

Hello Cavaliers,

Just a friendly reminder that the "limited-time discount" for the Cavaliers of Mars Kickstarter T-shirt is indeed limited.

The price will be increasing tomorrow (November 28) at Noon EST (that's just under 27 hours from when I post this).

That link again:

If you're thinking of ordering a shirt, please do so today to receive the best price.



FIRST REWARD arrives in style
over 6 years ago – Mon, Nov 20, 2017 at 05:33:38 PM

Hello fellow Cavaliers,

It's time for our very first reward delivery. Once we had funded this awesome project, the very first stretch goal that we encountered (and achieved!) was for the Kickstarter Exclusive Cavaliers of Mars T-Shirt. Backers who pledge for any reward tier will be notified when a deeply discounted T-Shirt design is available on our RedBubble site for a limited time.


If you click on that link, you'll be able to purchase a 0% mark up shirt (that means, you're just paying the cost of manufacturing and shipping) to show off your martian style.

This price will run for a limited time only - from today until November 28th, so act quickly.

BEYOND THAT - survey responses are coming in quickly! Appreciation to everyone who's taken the time to confirm their pledges and rewards. 

Right now, I'm working with Onyx Path on the kickstarter for Changeling: The Lost second edition (come by and say "hi"), but definitely keeping on top of the progress for Cavaliers. I'm hoping in my end-of-November/beginning-of-December update that I'll be able to share more goodies with you.

Thanks again for all of your support, and if you take a picture of yourself and post it on social media, let us know so we can share the coolness!

- James

BackerKit Surveys are coming
over 6 years ago – Wed, Nov 15, 2017 at 07:43:13 PM

Hello Cavaliers,

Here's the first big post-campaign step in our move towards reward fulfillment. 

I was hoping to have this coincide with the availability of the Cavaliers of Mars Kickstarter T-shirt at the Redbubble store, but my timing is off and I asked everyone for confirmations and approvals as they were prepping, packing, and traveling to Pax Unplugged, a convention taking place in Philadelphia from Nov 17-19. So, we're going to have to wait until everyone's back in the office for that - but it should happen right at the start of next week! 

Sorry about that! I didn't want to wait to send out the surveys, though. It's still quite some time before we need your addresses confirmed for shipping, but these surveys will give everyone the chance to confirm all of their rewards and possibly even add one or two. I wanted to get this out now just in case anyone wants to add anything that'll be in the next wave of rewards sent. After the T-shirt link goes out, I'm hoping to begin assembling the 6 PDF mini-games and have them delivered to you for the end of November/beginning of December. So, survey time! 

Soon, you’ll receive an email from us with a special link to your BackerKit survey. It’s important to respond to your survey as quickly as you can since we need this information to fulfill your rewards.   

You don’t need to create a BackerKit account to fill out your survey. When you receive the email with the survey, click the survey link to respond. Answer the questions about your reward preferences, provide shipping information, and purchase add-on items if you like. You don’t have access to this survey link yet, but it will be available soon via email!  

After you respond to your survey, you can go back later and change your responses at any time before we close the surveys and get our final counts.  

If you need to review your information or pledge status, you can return to your survey by clicking the link in your survey email or requesting your survey link under "Lost your survey?" on our BackerKit project page at  

If you used your Facebook credentials to log in to your Kickstarter account, the BackerKit survey is sent to the email address you use for your Facebook account. If you have another email address that you prefer to use, please contact support at

So: Look for surveys to come in the next bit, and expect another update early next week.

OH - and if you happen to be at PAX Unplugged this weekend, drop by Booth # 650 to say hi to the Onyx Path crew!



1st of Month update
over 6 years ago – Sun, Nov 05, 2017 at 01:53:02 PM

Hello Fellow Martians, and welcome to November.

I wasn't sure if I should send an update yet - I was planning on holding off until I had a bit more info to share - but seeing how Rich and the team handle previous kickstarter projects with regularly scheduled updates got me thinking that I should probably start a routine, even when we're this early in the post-campaign process. So here we go, the first of the regular updates.

It looks like kickstarter should be finishing collecting the pledges in the next day or so, and then the process moves to transferring those funds to Onyx Path. That will hopefully be done by the end of the week. Rich and the Onyx Path crew are at GameHoleCon in Madison, WI this weekend (booth #27!), so once they recover from that, we'll begin the BackerKit setup process.  

Fingers crossed, I set everything up correctly and Rich gives the sign-off, and maybe I can start collecting information by the end of next week (Nov 10?). When I send those surveys out, I'll also send an update with our first stretch goal (Martian T-shirts!!)

So, updates when more info is available, when there's something new for you, and - going forward - on the first of each month.  Except maybe New Years Day... that one may come a day or two late (just planning ahead!)

- JB